Saturday, January 7, 2017

Where is the strength to be strong ?

Where is the strength to be strong ?

For strength is not a passing season ;
it does not come and go lightly,
by and by
The true nature of stalwart love " is " ,..
an enduring friendship cannot pass alone ―

Strength knows not colour
nor measure of dark or light
The creed of its roots ;
the plea of its strife,
within misery becomes belief

Yet is the sorrow felt a contradiction ?
Our own vision's
day by day devise
to bear diminishing life ?

Where is the strength to be strong ?

The doubt in faith that ebbs and flows ;
lost in gravity of deepest oceans'
blackened push and pull ?
No matter the despair embraced
that which makes the broken feel whole

Where is the spirit to be strong ?
The verve that emboldens strength ?

A Life is driven by a Will to BE ― is 

Manifesting transformation ,..

Rise up the hidden fountain springs within
where all spirit waters begin

Sturdy strength ― Resilient and strong
"Never enough" belies love’s urgent calling

"Never enough" is of enslaving device
a fleeting moment
ne'r  a candle burnt out

The Will to BE
  is always enough!
    to BE ―

© Harlon Rivers ... January 6th, 2017

note:   written for a struggling friend,
and for anyone who can relate to the 

side affects of life's waning wintertide ... 

thank you for reading