Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sipping from the Well

Sipping from the Well

Looking for a silver lining
every time it turns out wrong
Weighing reasons to believe
looking for a lost heart to behold

Seeking the golden skeleton key
that unlocks the garden’s velvet gate
Feeling a deep ache left out in the cold
on a golden autumn morn

Walk along the garden pathway
follow down the garden trail
See the reflection in the wishing well
looking wistfully back these eyes' novelle

Tripped and fell another dawning
trying to come in out the storm
The only silver lining shines the moment
sipping hopeful waters from your well ...

Harlon Rivers ...  © October 11th, 2013

Understand this moment has come to just write what you feel…
don’t ever let anyone say what you feel is wrong...


g-clair said...

Beautiful imagery and mysterious metaphor. "the only silver lining shines the moment, sipping hopeful waters from you well." Ah! ....The key to unlocking life's sweet mysteries is the love sewn in each other's soul.

g-clair said...

Stull lovin it. Weeping wishing well...would you happen to have a coin I could toss over there? ((H))