Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Actions Louder Than words

Lost expectations
in the formative years  
cast faceless impressions
of difficult new beginnings
into figurines perched on
the chess board
of a lifetime

Faded indelible words
were read out loud,
found within and between
someday’s lines
Banished by a jury of peers
for rumored emotional turbulence
Invisibly eternally tattooed
on the outside of the mask
of my mind.
Branded and scared 
by the poignant white hot iron
of embedded forgotten fears. 

Anyone who had a heart
knows what will be will be…
When you think
you have it all?
You have it all to loose…
What matters is found
scattered among the words
within the lines’ of the heart’s
myriad of sentiment sung
Impassioned spirit
adorns the essence
of kindred hearts and souls

Volumes of evocative
poetic descriptions sketch
define and implement
hopeful deeds of kindness
Verbs written over time
can fade as if they were
evaporating tear drops 
Actual essence moves
dimensions of thoughts
miles of space…

Words left unspoken
only tentatively exist
while traveling
this journey of miles…
Unspoken reflections 
carried as baggage
Silenced within insecure moments
Words emotionally summoned
yet left unspoken
vanish like dust in the wind

Actions stir emotions of the soul…
The sounds of actions breaking silence
remind you of foot steps walking a mile.
Inaction is silenced by raucous verbs
Their rhythm is the beat of effort
Music... to an empathetic soul’s ears…

© 2012 Harlon Rivers 

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