Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Purging Angst

. . . Cathartic writing dealing with the short fuses of rising anxiety levels from life's side effects . . .

Purging Angst

Emotions simmer
as adrenaline’s
silent phenomena  
begins to pump though veins
with a quickening pulse .

Organic essence rushes
through stretching vessels
like lightning strikes
manifesting an aching
buzzing boil .

Percolating sensations . . .
penetrate consciousness
Shaking the
volcanic labyrinth
of cracks and crevasses
evolving through
indistinct passageways .

Freezing and thawing
yin and yang ;
as if the spring  snow’s
unbridled thaw
trickles through unnoticed
hairline fractures .

Elements in search of
an unendowed metamorphosis ;
drawn by gravity
naturalizing equilibrium ,  
seeking its own level
of unique symmetry
vastly beyond wavering
ebb and flow.

Purging the currents
from the darkest depths
while pursuing balance 
filtering through
a tertiary abyss .

Teetering on the brink
of a severing  fault line,
disguised beneath
the cresting waves
crashing back 
onto the ocean’s shores .

© 2012 ~ 2013 . . . Harlon Rivers . . . All Rights Reserved

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